




nožíř Jan Hofman
Jan Hofman
Forged knives
Non-forged knives
Materials, Quality
Romantic Accomodation
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Jan Hofman

Each Hofman's knive has been in touch with spirituality when we have looked into the fire, whose light created a circle of security, whose warmth helped us to survive, whose energy has served, but also destroyed us. The magic power of fire, from which Hofman's classical knives were born gives them their nobility and hidden character.

For millions of years of patriarchy, it was up to men to ensure food and safety for their clans and the best also had the best... In direct proportion. Thus, those who search inner quality, which is not exposed for admiration, appreciate Hofman's knives nowadays.

Jan Hofman (1948 -) designs shapes, materials and production himself. Nevertheless, he gives you an opportunity to participate in the process of creation of your knife.

Knives made by JAN HOFMAN may not be everybody's cup of tea. Their handles are made from plain buffalo horns, hart's antlers, bones or hard tropical wood. They are not engraved, inlaid with mother of pearl or gold. The blades are curiously marked and they do not shine. As time passes, they attract you with balanced classical shape. They are the best knives I have ever seen made by an European. Each of them is an unique original. If handled with care, they can outlive their author for several generations even with everyday use.
(Jiří X. Doležal)

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